Posted 3 year ago
Now a days , we can frequently observe violation of laws and the reason for the same can be observed in the core idea of not knowing the constitution in depth . 
One commit crime or any thing against law when they do not know that they are doing a wrong deed and what can be it's consequences. 
Additionally , victim do not know the right they have by which offender could not get punishment and violation occurs. 
To prevent this situation one should have deep understanding about CONSTITUTION.
1 Answer(s)
Harshita Chauhan
Posted 3 year ago Harshita Chauhan

Crime is committed because of criminal mindset . Many people with knowing the impact & punishment also commit crimes. उदाहरण - ये समाज में रहने वाले हर एक नागरिक को पता है कि किसी को जान से मारने पर आपको कैपिटल पनिशमेंट मिलेगा तो क्या लोग गुनाह करना बंद कर देते है।