Jayanta Majumder
Posted 3 year ago
May I know why we have yet not implemented job oriented courses in our curriculum that already explained by MK Gandhi a long days ago?
1 Answer(s)
Riddhi Kaushik Shah
Posted 3 year ago Riddhi Kaushik Shah

A LOT OF THINGS which are crucial, are not there in the curriculum. It's a relevant question, no doubt. But how much can be accommodated into a textbook? The space of conversations, relating things to the student's context, inviting people into the classroom/e-classroom to give a bigger worldview, encouraging students to ask questions (which means as a teacher we have to go back and find the answers that we can) and in general remember, that JOB-ORIENED curriculum is NOT the answer. What have people done with job oriented curriculum? :-) Many people who are highly educated are not able to last/remain in a job!! Because they don't know how to work in teams or under pressure or lack confidence or don't have the discipline to follow something regularly.... These are things which EVERY student should be taught. Then with or without Job-oriented curriculum, it is likely that the child will at least be prepared for whatever opportunities come! :)