Sujata Ramesh Hajare
Posted 3 year ago

Vacsin लगाने पर बुखार आता है..

Uncomfortable fill hota hai..

थोडासा dullness सा लगता हैं... ऐसा क्यों?

क्या सभी लोगो मे येसे लक्षण दिखते है?

3 Answer(s)
Keneile Suokhrie
Posted 3 year ago Keneile Suokhrie

Well not a health professional to explain the medical reasons..many underlying reasons possible however generally speaking our immune system reaction or response to the pathogenic antigen triggers certain reactions in our body to activate the memory cells so that when we are actually attacked by the pathogen against which we are vaccinated our immune cells will be able to respond quicker and save from major life threating damage ..the response by our immune system therefore causes certain reactions and may be seen in the form.of discomfort of our body etc which subsides gradually

Nishu Sharma
Posted 2 year ago Nishu Sharma

No, the Symptoms are not same for every individual.  When we get vaccine, it injects weakened pathogens which induce immune response 

pradeep negi